Model Train Layouts & Track Plans

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7 Projects Found

The “Bov Station” Layout of Alexander in HO scale    8870 views since 16 Mar 2024
Scale: H0 (1/87)
Size: Medium
Dimen­sions: 300cm x 120cm; 118" x 47"; 9.8′ x 3.9′
Area: 3.6m2; 4.31yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double), with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: IV, V / Modern
Scene: Plain
Trackage: Trix H0 C-track
Turnouts: Manual
Author: Alexander Simeonov
Designed with: SCARM Train Layout Software
Medium-sized layout in HO scale, with single outer route and folded inner 2-track line, passing via bridge over the main station. The track plan allows simultaneous running of up to two passenger or freight trains and many shunting/switching operations. See more

Ultra-compact Layout Project in T Gauge    3732 views since 25 Jan 2022
Scale: T (1/450)
Size: Micro
Dimen­sions: 80cm x 30cm; 31" x 12"; 2.6′ x 1′
Area: 0.24m2; 0.29yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Double
Traffic: Passenger
Epoch/Era: V, VI / Modern
Scene: Plain
Trackage: Eishindo T
Turnouts: Manual
Author: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Designed with: SCARM Software for Model Railroaders
Double main line folded in fig. “8” with passenger station in the center and tunnel bellow it. The track plan is suitable for playing with up to 4 passenger trains – 2 running and 2 waiting in the station. See more

The OO Scale Layout of Dr. Jake    26469 views since 19 Apr 2018
Scale: 00 (1/76)
Size: Medium
Dimen­sions: 250cm x 150cm; 98" x 59"; 8.2′ x 4.9′
Area: 3.75m2; 4.48yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double), with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Modern
Scene: Suburban/Town, Plain
Trackage: Hornby OO Set-track
Turnouts: Manual
Author: Dr. Jake
Designed with: SCARM Model Railroad Designer
Medium-sized OO scale layout with oval shape, designed and built by Dr. Jake, using Hornby tracks, Bachmann trains and Skaledale buildings and structures. See more

Bachmann G-scale Home Layout Design #2    7646 views since 09 Dec 2016
Scale: G (1/22.5)
Size: Medium
Dimen­sions: 290cm x 195cm; 114" x 77"; 9.5′ x 6.4′
Area: 5.66m2; 6.76yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Trackage: Bachmann G scale
Turnouts: Manual
Author: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Designed with: SCARM Software for Model Railroaders
One more proposal for home dismountable floor layout in G-scale, suitable for running and playing with up to 3 short passenger and/or freight trains. See more

The Future Garage Layout of Robert    19577 views since 18 Nov 2016
Scale: N (1/160)
Size: Huge
Dimen­sions: 716cm x 521cm; 282" x 205"; 23.5′ x 17.1′
Area: 37.29m2; 44.6yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Double
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Transition, Modern
Scene: Suburban/Town, Country/Village, Industrial
Trackage: Kato N Unitrack
Turnouts: Manual
Author: Robert (aka Fenrus30)
Designed with: SCARM Track Planning Software
Large complex N-scale layout, situated on two scenic levels, with many railroad facilities, several industries and rich scenery, allowing various options for traffic and operations. See more

Large Hornby Dublo Layout    21356 views since 22 Aug 2014
Scale: OO (1/76)
Size: Extra Large
Dimen­sions: 406cm x 406cm; 160" x 160"; 13.3′ x 13.3′
Area: 16.52m2; 19.75yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Double, with Junction/​Meeting Station(s), with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: II, III / Steam, Transition
Scene: Plain, Suburban/Town, Industrial
Trackage: Hornby OO Dublo 3-rail
Turnouts: Electric and Manual
Author: David
Designed with: SCARM Train Layout Software
One extra large ОО-scale layout under construction, planned in SCARM and built with vintage Hornby Dublo tracks, which seems to be almost finished. See more

Hornby Dublo Exhibition Layout    18903 views since 03 Dec 2013
Scale: OO (1/76)
Size: Large
Dimen­sions: 390cm x 200cm; 154" x 79"; 12.8′ x 6.6′
Area: 7.8m2; 9.33yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double), with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: II, III, IV / Steam, Transition, Modern
Scene: Plain
Trackage: Hornby OO Dublo 3-rail
Turnouts: Manual
Author: Robert van Teylingen
Designed with: SCARM Software for Model Railroaders
Large exhibition layout designed and built using the vintage Hornby 00 Dublo 3-rail track system by Robert van Teylingen. The layout was shown and operated for 3 days at Eurospoor model train exhibition in Utrecht, Netherlands. See more

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