Model Train Layouts & Track Plans

Home The L-shaped KATO N Scale Layout of Joe

Large and well arranged layout in N scale under construction, featuring a train station and a big yard, several industrial areas with corresponding branches, and a turntable with roundhouse in the middle.


Scale & Size
Scale: N (1/160)
Size: Large
Dimen­sions: 365cm x 324cm; 144" x 128"; 12′ x 10.6′
Area: 11.83m2; 14.14yd2
Time & Theme
Epoch/Era: IV, V, VI / Modern
Season: Spring/Summer
Theme: Fictional
Scene: Suburban/Town, Plain, Industrial
Tracks & Route
Trackage: Kato N Unitrack
Type: Closed Route
Line: Triple, with Branch(es)
Min. radius: 315mm; 12.4"
Turnout angles: 15°
Features & Control
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Power supply: DCC
Turnouts: Electric
Uncoupling: Manual


Here is what Joe says about his layout:

"My idea of this layout started out with wanting a turntable with a roundhouse, places to let trains just run (railfan), and some switching fun and a small yard. It went from a 3'x5' layout up to the current L-shaped 11' x 12' layout.

Width ranges from 36" in both corners (for about 2'), 32" on the left side, and 26" on the right yard side, so I can access all the turnouts and trackage without climbing or leaning over uncomfortably.

I went from an initial double loop to a final three loop design, with the inside loop serving as my yard arrival, departure, and yard lead and connected it all due to wanting as many trains running as possible at one time. I can go from the inner loop to the middle and outside loops using the 3 double crossovers. Using SCARM software allowed me to fit all the pieces perfectly and the parts list made purchasing the exact amount of pieces a breeze and definitely saved money from not wasting extra pieces.

This L-shaped 11' x 12' x 32" deep layout has a total 228 feet of trackage!

Project: Layout Under Construction   
Author: Joe (aka NitroStar)   
Designed with: SCARM
Posted on: 24 Sep 2023
Views: 10696
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