Model Train Layouts & Track Plans

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19 Projects Found

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The “Bov Station” Layout of Alexander in HO scale    8869 views since 16 Mar 2024
Scale: H0 (1/87)
Size: Medium
Dimen­sions: 300cm x 120cm; 118" x 47"; 9.8′ x 3.9′
Area: 3.6m2; 4.31yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double), with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: IV, V / Modern
Scene: Plain
Trackage: Trix H0 C-track
Author: Alexander Simeonov
Designed with: SCARM Train Layout Software
Medium-sized layout in HO scale, with single outer route and folded inner 2-track line, passing via bridge over the main station. The track plan allows simultaneous running of up to two passenger or freight trains and many shunting/switching operations. See more

Johnstown & Maryville HO-Scale Railroad Layout    10537 views since 16 Mar 2022
Scale: HO (1/87)
Size: Medium
Dimen­sions: 661cm x 366cm; 260" x 144"; 21.7′ x 12′
True Area: 5.6m2; 6.12yd2
Type: Point to Point, Station/Yard
Line: Mixed (Single + Double), with Branch(es)
Traffic: Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: IV, V, VI / Modern
Scene: Plain, Industrial
Trackage: Atlas HO Snap-Track Code 83
Author: John Buckley
Designed with: SCARM Model Railroad Designer
Large L-shaped shunting/switching layout under construction, designed for playing with freight trains and various realistic point-to-point operations. See more

Marklin HO M-Track Plan 340x310    19911 views since 25 Nov 2021
Scale: H0 (1/87)
Size: Large
Dimen­sions: 340cm x 310cm; 134" x 122"; 11.2′ x 10.2′
Area: 10.54m2; 12.61yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double + Triple), with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: III, IV / Transition, Modern
Scene: Plain
Trackage: Marklin M-track
Author: Atle Bjanes
Designed with: SCARM Model Railroad Designer
An old Marklin M-track plan with lot of tracks, suitable for all those model train fans who wants to have more and more trackage on the layout in order to run more and more trains all the time :) See more

The Marklin HO M-Track Layout of Trygve    20259 views since 18 Aug 2021
Scale: H0 (1/87)
Size: Medium
Dimen­sions: 298cm x 111cm; 117" x 44"; 9.8′ x 3.6′
Area: 3.29m2; 3.93yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed, with Junction/​Meeting Station(s), with Reverse Loop(s)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Transition, Modern
Scene: Hilly
Trackage: Marklin M-track
Author: Trygve Trengereid
Designed with: SCARM Model Train Layouts Editor
Interesting HO scale layout project with tracks on 3 levels, featuring long main line passing via large station in the middle level and one more small station on the lower level. The track plan allows playing with both passenger and freight trains as well as many shunting/switching scenarios. See more

12x12 Around The Walls HO-scale Layout    8310 views since 30 May 2021
Scale: HO (1/87)
Size: Extra Large
Dimen­sions: 365cm x 365cm; 144" x 144"; 12′ x 12′
Area: 13.32m2; 15.93yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double), with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: IV, V / Modern
Scene: Plain, Riverside
Trackage: Atlas HO Code 100
Author: Tim Harkleroad
Designed with: SCARM Model Train Layouts Editor
Simple but nice around-the-walls bedroom layout with 5-track combined station, several branches, scenic ridge, closet section and a lift-out bridge (at the room’s door). See more

Large HO-scale Layout in Dedicated Train Room    21581 views since 21 Nov 2019
Scale: HO (1/87)
Size: Huge
Dimen­sions: 483cm x 518cm; 190" x 204"; 15.8′ x 17′
Area: 24.99m2; 29.89yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double), with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: V, VI / Modern
Scene: Plain, Country/Village, Industrial, Coastal
Trackage: Atlas HO C100
Author: Jim Bernier and his father
Designed with: SCARM Train Layout Software
Nice around-the-walls layout in HO scale with peninsula and lift-off bridge in the center, situated in a dedicated train room. The track plan features long oval main line passing across various scenic areas and has one big station, several industries and two branches – for a port with train ferry on the peninsula and for staging yard in the closet. See more

Marklin HO C-track plan 250x175    20267 views since 27 Sep 2018
Scale: H0 (1/87)
Size: Medium
Dimen­sions: 250cm x 175cm; 98" x 69"; 8.2′ x 5.7′
Area: 4.38m2; 5.23yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Double, Mixed, with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Trackage: Marklin C-track
Author: Venci Glaskov aka Best Ripper (by Marklin books)
Designed with: SCARM Model Train Layouts Editor
L-shaped layout design with junction (meeting) station and 2 lines, allowing simultaneous running of up to two trains or just single train looping sequentially on the two routes. See more

Marklin HO C-track plan 260x180    22784 views since 05 Apr 2018
Scale: H0 (1/87)
Size: Medium
Dimen­sions: 260cm x 180cm; 102" x 71"; 8.5′ x 5.9′
Area: 4.68m2; 5.6yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double), with Branch(es), with Reverse Loop(s)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Trackage: Marklin C-track
Author: Venci Glaskov aka Best Ripper (by Marklin books)
Designed with: SCARM Software for Model Railroaders
Complex L-shaped track plan with several possible routes for simultaneous running of up to two trains and with many options for shunting/switching. See more

The “Think Big” Layout Design of Jan in HO (1/87)    19552 views since 22 Feb 2018
Scale: H0 (1/87)
Size: Extra Large
Dimen­sions: 500cm x 410cm; 197" x 161"; 16.4′ x 13.5′
Area: 20.5m2; 24.52yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double + Triple), with Branch(es), with Reverse Loop(s)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Modern
Scene: Urban/City, Facilities/​Infrastructure
Trackage: Marklin HO C-track
Author: Jan Wohlgemuth
Designed with: SCARM Train Layout Software
A big track plan in HO scale, designed with Marklin C-type tracks in SCARM, featuring dense railroad network around several living and industrial areas. See more

Compact HO Track Plan feat. Figure “8”    40168 views since 24 Mar 2017
Scale: HO (1/87)
Size: Small
Dimen­sions: 244cm x 122cm; 96" x 48"; 8′ x 4′
Area: 2.98m2; 3.56yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double), with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Modern
Scene: Suburban/Town, Plain
Trackage: Frateschi HO
Author: Rafael Colth
Designed with: SCARM Software for Model Railroaders
Nice HO scale track plan with main line in oval, passing through small station, then turning counterclockwise next to the yard, going over the bridge and then around the residential area and finally grading into figure “8” in the center. See more

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