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Это - самая полная онлайн база данных для бесплатных ландшафтов и планов рельсовых схем железнодорожных макетов, созданных через проекты SCARM. Здесь можно найти проекты ландшафта и путевые схемы железных дорог по масштабу, рельсовому набору или другим параметрам. Загружайте нужные файлы и рассматривайте их в 2-D редакторе и 3-D просмотрщике, входящих в состав планировщика SCARM.
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Найдено 15 проектов | |  |
Страница 1 / 2 (Проекты 1 - 10)
Масштаб: | | N (1/160) |
Размер: | | Очень широкий |
Габариты: | | 822cm x 729cm; 324" x 287"; 27′ x 23.9′ |
Реальная площадь: | | 19m2; 20.78yd2 |
Тип: | | Комплексный (Замкнутая секция с открытыми частями) |
Путь: | | Смешанный (Однопутный + Двухпутный), с Узловой станцией/разъездом, с Ветками |
Движение: | | Пассажирское, Товарное, Маневровое |
Эпоха: | | II, III, IV, V / Переходная, Современная |
Вид ландшафта: | | Пригородный, Равнинный, Промышленный |
Рельсовый набор: | | Atlas N Code 80 |
Автор: | | Dwight Sturtevant |
Программа: | | SCARM |
One nice and really large layout in N-scale, spread across the whole basement of the owner’s house. The project features very long double-track main lines with two more secondary routes, which are passing via many stations, towns, yards, sidings and industries and there is even a trolley (tram) line. The construction begins in 2019 and the layout is still expanding in 2025.
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Point-to-point OO gauge layout project, representing two terminus stations, connected with an oval route. The track plan is intended mainly for passenger traffic and allows various playing and shunting/switching scenarios in the stations and the yard.
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This is a slightly modified version of the original Schwarzbach layout in TT scale, arranged almost entirely with flex tracks. The track plan allows continuous running of single passenger or freight train as well as point-to-point operations from the main station to the upper yard and back.
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Compact 8x4 O scale layout with oval line, two sidings and a crossover line for reversing in the middle. Suitable for playing and switching with short passenger or freight trains.
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Medium-sized N-scale layout featuring single main line with large passenger station in the center area, smaller terminus station in the upper left corner and also a hidden station in the back for storing of up to 3 more trains.
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This is a version of the well-known Wabash layout designed with Lionel O gauge Fastracks. The modifications are including additional single line standing on pillars and forming the upper level as well as yard with depot and transfer table in the left front area.
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Large U-shaped display layout in N scale with double main line and modular design for easy disassembling and transportation.
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Compact O-gauge layout with Atlas 3-rail tracks allowing up to three short bi-directional trains to operate alternately between the two transit terminals, using the two concentric ovals as a mileage-maker between stops.
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Compact N-scale display layout with small town and storage yard, located on the add-on module at the left side.
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Масштаб: | | N (1/160) |
Размер: | | Очень широкий |
Габариты: | | 640cm x 366cm; 252" x 144"; 21′ x 12′ |
Площадь: | | 23.42m2; 28.01yd2 |
Тип: | | Комплексный (Замкнутая секция с открытыми частями) |
Путь: | | Смешанный (Однопутный + Двухпутный), с Ветками, со Спирали |
Движение: | | Пассажирское, Товарное, Маневровое |
Эпоха: | | II, III, IV, V / Переходная, Современная |
Вид ландшафта: | | Городской, Промышленный, Горный, Прибрежный |
Рельсовый набор: | | Peco N Streamline |
Автор: | | TrainNut |
Программа: | | SCARM |
See one large N gauge train layout under construction, where SCARM helped with testing of different ideas by visualizing them in 3D to the layout's creator.
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Русский перевод: Игорь Загрубский.