| Plastici Ferroviari & Tracciati | |
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This is a slightly modified version of the original Schwarzbach layout in TT scale, arranged almost entirely with flex tracks. The track plan allows continuous running of single passenger or freight train as well as point-to-point operations from the main station to the upper yard and back.
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Narrow but long layout project in TT scale, featuring folded double main line and a train station in the central area. The track plan allows running of both passenger and freight trains as well as many shunting/switching operations in the station, depot and the small freight yard.
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Compact layout project in TT scale, featuring fictional scene with single folded line and a small station. The track plan allows longer running time for both passenger and freight trains as well as some shunting/switching operations in the station.
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Compact layout featuring oval main line with small train station (in front) and one more hidden station in tunnel (in the back). The track plan is suitable for running of short passenger and freight trains with option for meeting and waiting in the hidden spur in the tunnel at the back.
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The track plan features simple oval line with two tunnels and small train station in front and is suitable for running of short passenger and freight trains.
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Compact TT-scale layout with double main line, representing fictional village train station somewhere in Europe.
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Singola linea principale in ovale, passante sopra un torrente, con piccola stazione ferroviaria e strada di accesso. Il plastico permette il funzionamento di corti treni passeggeri e merci, le funzionalità principali e segnali semaforici distanti.
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Traduzione italiana di Fabio Cuccia.