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12 Progetti trovati |
“The Viaduct” Modular N-Gauge Layout of Mike 1739 visite dal 07.06.2024
Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Media | |
Dimensioni: | 412cm x 90cm; 162" x 35"; 13.5′ x 3′ | |
Area: | 3.71m2; 4.43yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Multi-Spur | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci | |
Epoca/Era: | V, VI / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Servizi/Infrastrutture, Costiero | |
Binari: | Peco N Streamline | |
Autore: | Mike Plowman | |
Software: | SCARM |
One quite realistic representation of an old railway bridge fitted with modern infrastructure and overhead line equipment in N scale, influenced by the Dutton Viaduct over the Weaver River and the Wolverton Viaduct in the UK. Vedi tutto
The ANNELIESVILLE Railroad Layout of Filip in HO Scale 8704 visite dal 13.06.2022
Scala: | HO (1/87) | |
Taglia: | Gigantesca | |
Dimensioni: | 695cm x 565cm; 274" x 222"; 22.8′ x 18.5′ | |
Area: | 39.27m2; 46.96yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Singola, con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | II, III / Transizione, Moderna | |
Scenario: | Collinare, Forestale, Costiero | |
Binari: | Peco HO Streamline C100 | |
Autore: | Filip Timmerman | |
Software: | SCARM |
Large, realistic-looking HO scale layout under construction in a dedicated train room, featuring single long main line, passing via various scenic, coastal and industrial areas. Vedi tutto
The New N-scale Layout of Clarence 8464 visite dal 18.03.2022
Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Piccola | |
Dimensioni: | 274cm x 97cm; 108" x 38"; 9′ x 3.2′ | |
Area: | 2.64m2; 3.16yd2 | |
Tipo: | Complesso (sezione chiusa con parti aperte), Stazione/Scalo | |
Linea: | Mista (Singola + Doppia), con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | II, III, IV / Transizione, Moderna | |
Scenario: | Pianura, Costiero, Industriale, Servizi/Infrastrutture | |
Binari: | Atlas N Code 80 | |
Autore: | Clarence L. Van Dyke | |
Software: | SCARM |
Interesting layout design in N gauge featuring dual track loops, each with two passing tracks, a siding with several industries and large yard with a turntable in the center. Vedi tutto
Depoe Bay & Sitka Lumber RR Layout in N-scale 19670 visite dal 04.09.2020
Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Media | |
Dimensioni: | 275cm x 183cm; 108" x 72"; 9′ x 6′ | |
Area: | 5.02m2; 6.01yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Singola, con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | III, IV, V / Transizione, Moderna | |
Scenario: | Costiero, Paese/Villaggio, Montano | |
Binari: | Atlas N Code 55, Kato N bridges & viaducts, Peco N 3-way switch | |
Autore: | David Dahlstrom | |
Software: | SCARM |
Nice and very detailed N-scale layout project, featuring sea coast and mountain theme set somewhere in the U.S. Pacific Northwest with fishing and lumber industries. The track plan has single main line which passes via many tunnels and bridges and is suitable for both passenger and freight trains. Vedi tutto
The Corner HO-scale Layout of Michael 9991 visite dal 13.08.2020
Scala: | HO (1/87) | |
Taglia: | Media | |
Dimensioni: | 214cm x 244cm; 84" x 96"; 7′ x 8′ | |
Area: | 5.21m2; 6.23yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Singola, con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | II, III, IV, V / Vapore, Transizione, Moderna | |
Scenario: | Periferia/Comune, Costiero | |
Binari: | Atlas HO C100 | |
Autore: | Michael Ramsey | |
Software: | SCARM |
Medium-sized HO-scale corner layout design with single main line passing around a small town with car cinema near the sea coast. The track plan is suitable for passenger and freight traffic as well as for some shunting/switching operations. Vedi tutto
The Attic Layout of Jonathon in OO Scale 9954 visite dal 29.05.2020
Scala: | OO (1/76) | |
Taglia: | Extra Larga | |
Dimensioni: | 560cm x 340cm; 220" x 134"; 18.4′ x 11.2′ | |
Area: | 19.04m2; 22.77yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Doppia, con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | I, II, III / Vapore, Transizione | |
Scenario: | Periferia/Comune, Costiero, Collinare | |
Binari: | Peco OO Streamline & Setrack | |
Autore: | Jonathon Cowley-Thom | |
Software: | SCARM |
Nice around-the-walls attic layout in OO gauge, featuring double two-way main line with several industrial branches and yards. The track plan is suitable for continuous running of up to two trains on the main line as well as for many shunting/switching operations in the branches. Vedi tutto
Large HO-scale Layout in Dedicated Train Room 20461 visite dal 21.11.2019
Scala: | HO (1/87) | |
Taglia: | Gigantesca | |
Dimensioni: | 483cm x 518cm; 190" x 204"; 15.8′ x 17′ | |
Area: | 24.99m2; 29.89yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Mista (Singola + Doppia), con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | V, VI / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Pianura, Paese/Villaggio, Industriale, Costiero | |
Binari: | Atlas HO C100 | |
Autore: | Jim Bernier and his father | |
Software: | SCARM |
Nice around-the-walls layout in HO scale with peninsula and lift-off bridge in the center, situated in a dedicated train room. The track plan features long oval main line passing across various scenic areas and has one big station, several industries and two branches – for a port with train ferry on the peninsula and for staging yard in the closet. Vedi tutto
The N-scale Attic Layout of Lend33 21617 visite dal 11.12.2018
Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Extra Larga | |
Dimensioni: | 366cm x 350cm; 144" x 138"; 12′ x 11.5′ | |
Area: | 12.81m2; 15.32yd2 | |
Tipo: | Complesso (sezione chiusa con parti aperte) | |
Linea: | Mista (Singola + Doppia) | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | II, III, IV / Vapore, Transizione, Moderna | |
Scenario: | Periferia/Comune, Industriale, Costiero | |
Binari: | Kato N Unitrack, Atlas N Code 100 (flexes) | |
Autore: | Lend33 | |
Software: | SCARM |
Large U-shaped train layout with 3 main lines, for servicing a city, town, village, several industries and even a port with 2-spur train ferry. Vedi tutto
One Big Basement Layout in N scale 33814 visite dal 27.11.2017
Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Extra Larga | |
Dimensioni: | 640cm x 366cm; 252" x 144"; 21′ x 12′ | |
Area: | 23.42m2; 28.01yd2 | |
Tipo: | Complesso (sezione chiusa con parti aperte) | |
Linea: | Mista (Singola + Doppia), con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | II, III, IV, V / Transizione, Moderna | |
Scenario: | Urbano/Città, Industriale, Montano, Costiero | |
Binari: | Peco N Streamline | |
Autore: | TrainNut | |
Software: | SCARM |
See one large N gauge train layout under construction, where SCARM helped with testing of different ideas by visualizing them in 3D to the layout's creator. Vedi tutto
The Grand Home Layout of Paul in HO scale 31387 visite dal 18.08.2017
Scala: | HO (1/87) | |
Taglia: | Immensa | |
Dimensioni: | 1143cm x 553cm; 450" x 218"; 37.5′ x 18.1′ | |
Area: | 63.21m2; 75.6yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Doppia, con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | IV, V / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Periferia/Comune, Industriale, Costiero | |
Binari: | Atlas HO Code 100 | |
Autore: | Paul Christilaw | |
Software: | SCARM |
One really large HO layout, with double main line, that passes around a town, dam and many industries, allowing various running trains scenarios. Vedi tutto
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Traduzione italiana di Fabio Cuccia.