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41 Progetti trovati |
The L-shaped KATO N Scale Layout of Joe 8409 visite dal 24.09.2023
Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Larga | |
Dimensioni: | 365cm x 324cm; 144" x 128"; 12′ x 10.6′ | |
Area: | 11.83m2; 14.14yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Tripla, con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | IV, V, VI / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Periferia/Comune, Pianura, Industriale | |
Binari: | Kato N Unitrack | |
Autore: | Joe (aka NitroStar) | |
Software: | SCARM |
Large and well arranged layout in N scale under construction, featuring a train station and a big yard, several industrial areas with corresponding branches, and a turntable with roundhouse in the middle. Vedi tutto
The N-Gauge Pennsylvania Railroad Layout of Gary 7079 visite dal 05.07.2023
Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Media | |
Dimensioni: | 305cm x 173cm; 120" x 68"; 10′ x 5.7′ | |
Area: | 5.28m2; 6.31yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Mista (Singola + Doppia), con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | III, IV / Transizione, Moderna | |
Scenario: | Periferia/Comune, Forestale, Industriale | |
Binari: | Kato N Unitrack | |
Autore: | Gary Dehnel | |
Software: | SCARM |
Interesting N-scale layout with long folded main line, containing many bridges and tunnels, two reverse loops and several branches. The track plan allows single passenger or freight train to run using various different routes and to pass via the town, the forest, the village, the mountain and also around the different industries and yards. Vedi tutto
The Marklin HO C-track layout of Mark 14230 visite dal 21.02.2023
Scala: | H0 (1/87) | |
Taglia: | Larga | |
Dimensioni: | 378cm x 244cm; 149" x 96"; 12.4′ x 8′ | |
Area: | 9.22m2; 11.03yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Singola, con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | IV, V / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Pianura, Industriale, Servizi/Infrastrutture | |
Binari: | Marklin C-track | |
Autore: | Mark Oxford | |
Software: | SCARM |
Large HO scale layout project featuring long main line with several reverse loops, many train stations, industries and sidings and also a secondary internal oval line. The track plan is suitable for any kind of traffic and operations on various routes and allows two trains to run simultaneously. Vedi tutto
The New N-scale Layout of Clarence 8464 visite dal 18.03.2022
Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Piccola | |
Dimensioni: | 274cm x 97cm; 108" x 38"; 9′ x 3.2′ | |
Area: | 2.64m2; 3.16yd2 | |
Tipo: | Complesso (sezione chiusa con parti aperte), Stazione/Scalo | |
Linea: | Mista (Singola + Doppia), con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | II, III, IV / Transizione, Moderna | |
Scenario: | Pianura, Costiero, Industriale, Servizi/Infrastrutture | |
Binari: | Atlas N Code 80 | |
Autore: | Clarence L. Van Dyke | |
Software: | SCARM |
Interesting layout design in N gauge featuring dual track loops, each with two passing tracks, a siding with several industries and large yard with a turntable in the center. Vedi tutto
Johnstown & Maryville HO-Scale Railroad Layout 9031 visite dal 16.03.2022
Scala: | HO (1/87) | |
Taglia: | Media | |
Dimensioni: | 661cm x 366cm; 260" x 144"; 21.7′ x 12′ | |
Area Reale: | 5.6m2; 6.12yd2 | |
Tipo: | Punto a Punto, Stazione/Scalo | |
Linea: | Mista (Singola + Doppia), con | |
Traffico: | Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | IV, V, VI / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Pianura, Industriale | |
Binari: | Atlas HO Snap-Track Code 83 | |
Autore: | John Buckley | |
Software: | SCARM |
Large L-shaped shunting/switching layout under construction, designed for playing with freight trains and various realistic point-to-point operations. Vedi tutto
The Layout of Michael in OO Scale 11788 visite dal 05.07.2021
Scala: | OO (1/76) | |
Taglia: | Media | |
Dimensioni: | 246cm x 184cm; 97" x 72"; 8.1′ x 6′ | |
Area: | 4.53m2; 5.41yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Multi-Spur, con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | IV, V, VI / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Periferia/Comune, Industriale | |
Binari: | Hornby OO, Peco OO | |
Autore: | Michael Wenham | |
Software: | SCARM |
Nice layout in OO gauge with opening in the middle, containing multi-track oval main line which links the freight yard in front with the passenger station at the back and passes around various buildings, facilities and scenic areas. The track plan is suitable for continuous running of up to 3 trains and for various shunting/switching operations. Vedi tutto
Large HO-scale Layout in Dedicated Train Room 20461 visite dal 21.11.2019
Scala: | HO (1/87) | |
Taglia: | Gigantesca | |
Dimensioni: | 483cm x 518cm; 190" x 204"; 15.8′ x 17′ | |
Area: | 24.99m2; 29.89yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Mista (Singola + Doppia), con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | V, VI / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Pianura, Paese/Villaggio, Industriale, Costiero | |
Binari: | Atlas HO C100 | |
Autore: | Jim Bernier and his father | |
Software: | SCARM |
Nice around-the-walls layout in HO scale with peninsula and lift-off bridge in the center, situated in a dedicated train room. The track plan features long oval main line passing across various scenic areas and has one big station, several industries and two branches – for a port with train ferry on the peninsula and for staging yard in the closet. Vedi tutto
Extended Wabash Layout with Lionel O Gauge Fastracks 9783 visite dal 08.11.2019
Scala: | O (1/48) | |
Taglia: | Extra Larga | |
Dimensioni: | 427cm x 305cm; 168" x 120"; 14′ x 10′ | |
Area: | 13.03m2; 15.59yd2 | |
Tipo: | Complesso (sezione chiusa con parti aperte) | |
Linea: | Mista (Singola + Doppia), con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | III, IV, V / Transizione, Moderna | |
Scenario: | Pianura, Industriale, Fluviale | |
Binari: | Lionel O Fastrack | |
Autore: | John Hainer | |
Software: | SCARM |
This is a version of the well-known Wabash layout designed with Lionel O gauge Fastracks. The modifications are including additional single line standing on pillars and forming the upper level as well as yard with depot and transfer table in the left front area. Vedi tutto
The L-shaped HO-scale Layout of Bob 12695 visite dal 21.05.2019
Scala: | HO (1/87) | |
Taglia: | Gigantesca | |
Dimensioni: | 521cm x 529cm; 205" x 208"; 17.1′ x 17.4′ | |
Area: | 27.56m2; 32.96yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Doppia, con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | IV, V, VI / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Periferia/Comune, Industriale, Pianura | |
Binari: | Atlas HO C100 | |
Autore: | Robert Turner | |
Software: | SCARM |
Large and very detailed layout project, suitable for simultaneous running of 2 trains as well as for various shunting/switching operations in the yard and the branches. Vedi tutto
The N-scale Garage Layout of Justin 22069 visite dal 23.04.2019
Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Media | |
Dimensioni: | 360cm x 84cm; 142" x 33"; 11.8′ x 2.8′ | |
Area: | 3.02m2; 3.62yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Doppia, con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | III, IV, V / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Pianura, Industriale | |
Binari: | Kato N Unitrack, Atlas N (30deg crossing) | |
Autore: | Justin Bode | |
Software: | SCARM |
Double main line in stretched oval with large train station and several branches, suitable for both passenger and freight traffic. Vedi tutto
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Traduzione italiana di Fabio Cuccia.