| Plastici Ferroviari & Tracciati | |
Questo è il più completo database on-line gratuito per tracciati e plastici di treni modello, progetti e disegni SCARM. Ricerca per plastici ferroviari e progetti di tracciato, per scala, taglia, binari e altri criteri. Scaricate i files e guardateli in editor 2D e visualizzatore 3D del progettista di tracciati SCARM.
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26 Progetti trovati | |  |
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Questa è la proposta #9 per un plastico ferroviario di Natale, con binari Lionel Fastrack, costruito intorno ad un albero di Natale.
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Yet another simple 4x8 track plan in O-gauge, designed with Atlas Industrial track pieces. The layout features oval main line with pass-over track (station) at the left part, 4-track yard in the center and one more branch for some industry in the right part.
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Simple and easy to build 8x4 layout #3 in O-gauge, designed with Lionel Fastrack pieces. The track plan features oval main line with small station in front and two reverse loops, crossing in the center and forming the figure "8".
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Nice L-shaped 8x10 layout proposal of a fictional town, featuring compact main line with two overlapped reverse loops and a yard with 5 tracks for parking of the trains.
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Compact 8x4 O scale layout with oval line, two sidings and a crossover line for reversing in the middle. Suitable for playing and switching with short passenger or freight trains.
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This is one more simple 4x8 track plan in O-gauge, designed with Atlas Industrial track pieces. The layout features single main line in oval which passes via small station and has also several branches and reverse loop.
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This is a version of the well-known Wabash layout designed with Lionel O gauge Fastracks. The modifications are including additional single line standing on pillars and forming the upper level as well as yard with depot and transfer table in the left front area.
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Scala: | | O (1/48) |
Taglia: | | Immensa |
Dimensioni: | | 1005cm x 730cm; 396" x 287"; 33′ x 24′ |
Area: | | 73.37m2; 87.74yd2 |
Tipo: | | Percorso Chiuso |
Linea: | | Mista (Singola + Doppia), con Diramazione(i), con Reverse Loop(s) |
Traffico: | | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre |
Epoca/Era: | | III, IV, V / Transizione, Moderna |
Scenario: | | Paese/Villaggio, Industriale, Pianura |
Binari: | | GarGraves O, Ross Custom Switches |
Autore: | | Chris Montagna |
Software: | | SCARM |
Very large L-shaped O-scale layout under construction, featuring double main line which passes through a passenger station and connects several industrial branches, two yards and one turntable with tracks for 14 engines.
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Large L-shaped O-scale train layout, designed with the classic Lionel tubular tracks, allowing simultaneous running of up to two trains and many other playing scenarios.
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Fascinating O-scale layout that allows fast continuous run of one train on the outer main line as well as slow meandering of another train in the inner figure "8" and the reverse loops.
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Traduzione italiana di Fabio Cuccia.