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Questo è il più completo database on-line gratuito per tracciati e plastici di treni modello, progetti e disegni SCARM. Ricerca per plastici ferroviari e progetti di tracciato, per scala, taglia, binari e altri criteri. Scaricate i files e guardateli in editor 2D e visualizzatore 3D del progettista di tracciati SCARM.
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41 Progetti trovati | ![]() |

Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Media | |
Dimensioni: | 412cm x 90cm; 162" x 35"; 13.5′ x 3′ | |
Area: | 3.71m2; 4.43yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Multi-Spur | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci | |
Epoca/Era: | V, VI / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Servizi/Infrastrutture, Costiero | |
Binari: | Peco N Streamline | |
Autore: | Mike Plowman | |
Software: | SCARM |
One quite realistic representation of an old railway bridge fitted with modern infrastructure and overhead line equipment in N scale, influenced by the Dutton Viaduct over the Weaver River and the Wolverton Viaduct in the UK. Vedi tutto

Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Molto Piccola | |
Dimensioni: | 150cm x 90cm; 59" x 35"; 4.9′ x 3′ | |
Area: | 1.35m2; 1.61yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Singola | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci | |
Epoca/Era: | III, IV, V / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Pianura | |
Binari: | Peco N Setrack | |
Autore: | Milen Peev aka Mixy | |
Software: | SCARM |
Compact layout proposal in N scale with double-folded dogbone line and small station in front. The track route is situated on 2 levels and is constructed entirely with sectional Setrack pieces. The project is suitable for both passenger and freight trains from almost any epoch/era. Vedi tutto

Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Micro | |
Dimensioni: | 122cm x 61cm; 48" x 24"; 4′ x 2′ | |
Area: | 0.74m2; 0.89yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Singola, con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | III, IV, V / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Pianura, Servizi/Infrastrutture | |
Binari: | Fleischmann N Piccolo | |
Autore: | Milen Peev aka Mixy | |
Software: | SCARM |
One really compact N-scale layout, featuring small station in front, short siding on the back and a branch with yard and gantry crane cargo area in the middle. Vedi tutto

Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Larga | |
Dimensioni: | 365cm x 324cm; 144" x 128"; 12′ x 10.6′ | |
Area: | 11.83m2; 14.14yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Tripla, con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | IV, V, VI / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Periferia/Comune, Pianura, Industriale | |
Binari: | Kato N Unitrack | |
Autore: | Joe (aka NitroStar) | |
Software: | SCARM |
Large and well arranged layout in N scale under construction, featuring a train station and a big yard, several industrial areas with corresponding branches, and a turntable with roundhouse in the middle. Vedi tutto

Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Media | |
Dimensioni: | 305cm x 173cm; 120" x 68"; 10′ x 5.7′ | |
Area: | 5.28m2; 6.31yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Mista (Singola + Doppia), con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | III, IV / Transizione, Moderna | |
Scenario: | Periferia/Comune, Forestale, Industriale | |
Binari: | Kato N Unitrack | |
Autore: | Gary Dehnel | |
Software: | SCARM |
Interesting N-scale layout with long folded main line, containing many bridges and tunnels, two reverse loops and several branches. The track plan allows single passenger or freight train to run using various different routes and to pass via the town, the forest, the village, the mountain and also around the different industries and yards. Vedi tutto

Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Piccola | |
Dimensioni: | 244cm x 122cm; 96" x 48"; 8′ x 4′ | |
Area: | 2.98m2; 3.56yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Doppia (independent) | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | III, IV / Transizione, Moderna | |
Scenario: | Urbano/Città, Collinare | |
Binari: | Kato N Unitrack | |
Autore: | James Tuverson | |
Software: | SCARM |
Nice N-scale layout project featuring double oval line, going around a small town and passing via many bridges and tunnels. The track plan allows simultaneous running of up to two trains and is suitable for both passenger and freight traffic. Vedi tutto

Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Micro | |
Dimensioni: | 75cm x 44cm; 30" x 17"; 2.5′ x 1.4′ | |
Area: | 0.33m2; 0.39yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Singola, con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | II, III / Vapore, Transizione | |
Scenario: | Paese/Villaggio, Montano | |
Binari: | Trix N Minitrix | |
Autore: | Manfred Feiss (www.9-mm.ch) | |
Software: | SCARM |
Micro-sized N-scale layout, representing a fictional village somewhere in the Swiss Alps. Vedi tutto

Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Micro | |
Dimensioni: | 82cm x 50cm; 32" x 20"; 2.7′ x 1.6′ | |
Area: | 0.41m2; 0.49yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Singola | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | III, IV, V / Transizione, Moderna | |
Scenario: | Pianura | |
Binari: | Trix N Minitrix | |
Autore: | Albert Figler | |
Software: | SCARM |
Micro-sized N gauge layout with single oval line around a small village, representing beautiful snowy scene somewhere in Europe. Vedi tutto

Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Molto Piccola | |
Dimensioni: | 106cm x 106cm; 42" x 42"; 3.5′ x 3.5′ | |
Area: | 1.12m2; 1.34yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Mista, con | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | II, III / Vapore, Transizione | |
Scenario: | Paese/Villaggio, Montano | |
Binari: | Trix N Minitrix | |
Autore: | Albert Figler | |
Software: | SCARM |
Fascinating proposal for a compact multi-level N-scale layout, intended to be built on a square-shaped table. Vedi tutto

Scala: | N (1/160) | |
Taglia: | Molto Piccola | |
Dimensioni: | 150cm x 70cm; 59" x 28"; 4.9′ x 2.3′ | |
Area: | 1.05m2; 1.26yd2 | |
Tipo: | Percorso Chiuso | |
Linea: | Mista (Singola + Doppia), con Reverse | |
Traffico: | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre | |
Epoca/Era: | IV, V / Moderna | |
Scenario: | Periferia/Comune | |
Binari: | Peco N Setrack & Streamline | |
Autore: | Sean Harris | |
Software: | SCARM |
Very interesting project for a N-scale layout built into a dinning table and covered with glass. The track plan features two oval lines on two levels, connected with diagonal line which crosses a small town. The layout has passenger station and freight terminal, so it is suitable for both passenger and freight trains as well as for shunting/switching operations. Vedi tutto
Diritto d'autore © 2013-2025 by Milen Peev. Tutti i diritti riservati.
Traduzione italiana di Fabio Cuccia.