| Plastici Ferroviari & Tracciati | |
Questo è il più completo database on-line gratuito per tracciati e plastici di treni modello, progetti e disegni SCARM. Ricerca per plastici ferroviari e progetti di tracciato, per scala, taglia, binari e altri criteri. Scaricate i files e guardateli in editor 2D e visualizzatore 3D del progettista di tracciati SCARM.
E non dimenticate – la cosa più importante è divertirsi con i trenini 
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41 Progetti trovati | |  |
Pagina 1 / 5 (Progetti 1 - 10)
Medium-sized layout in HO scale, with single outer route and folded inner 2-track line, passing via bridge over the main station. The track plan allows simultaneous running of up to two passenger or freight trains and many shunting/switching operations.
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Classic oval-shaped HO scale layout with triple main line and many branches, designed for intensive traffic and various shunting/switching scenarios. The track plan is intended for action, with lot of tracks and less scenery details in order to allow up to 3 running trains at the same time.
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Interesting N-scale layout with long folded main line, containing many bridges and tunnels, two reverse loops and several branches. The track plan allows single passenger or freight train to run using various different routes and to pass via the town, the forest, the village, the mountain and also around the different industries and yards.
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Simple oval LEGO layout build in the bedroom for playing with short passenger and freight trains. The track plan is suitable for running both trains from the new 60336 and 60337 LEGO sets (requires additional tracks and turnouts).
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Large L-shaped shunting/switching layout under construction, designed for playing with freight trains and various realistic point-to-point operations.
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Interesting HO scale layout project with tracks on 3 levels, featuring long main line passing via large station in the middle level and one more small station on the lower level. The track plan allows playing with both passenger and freight trains as well as many shunting/switching scenarios.
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Narrow but long layout project in TT scale, featuring folded double main line and a train station in the central area. The track plan allows running of both passenger and freight trains as well as many shunting/switching operations in the station, depot and the small freight yard.
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Nice layout in OO gauge with opening in the middle, containing multi-track oval main line which links the freight yard in front with the passenger station at the back and passes around various buildings, facilities and scenic areas. The track plan is suitable for continuous running of up to 3 trains and for various shunting/switching operations.
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Medium-sized N-scale layout featuring single main line with large passenger station in the center area, smaller terminus station in the upper left corner and also a hidden station in the back for storing of up to 3 more trains.
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Double oval main line with train station in front, small yard in the back and two reverse loops, crossed in the center.
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Traduzione italiana di Fabio Cuccia.