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143 Progetti trovati

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Simple oval layout in TT scale with Hornby tracks    778 visite dal 04.06.2024
Scala: TT (1/120)
Taglia: Piccola
Dimen­sioni: 200cm x 75cm; 79" x 30"; 6.6′ x 2.5′
Area: 1.5m2; 1.79yd2
Tipo: Percorso Chiuso
Linea: Singola, con Diramazione(i)
Traffico: Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre
Epoca/Era: III, IV, V / Transizione, Moderna
Scenario: Pianura
Binari: Hornby TT
Autore: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Software: SCARM
Compact oval track plan in TT scale featuring small station in front and a four-track yard in the center. The layout allows playing with short passenger and freight trains and its dimensions are suitable to be constructed onto a standard EU/UK interior door. Vedi tutto

The “Bov Station” Layout of Alexander in HO scale    5181 visite dal 16.03.2024
Scala: H0 (1/87)
Taglia: Media
Dimen­sioni: 300cm x 120cm; 118" x 47"; 9.8′ x 3.9′
Area: 3.6m2; 4.31yd2
Tipo: Percorso Chiuso
Linea: Mista (Singola + Doppia), con Diramazione(i)
Traffico: Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre
Epoca/Era: IV, V / Moderna
Scenario: Pianura
Binari: Trix H0 C-track
Autore: Alexander Simeonov
Software: SCARM
Medium-sized layout in HO scale, with single outer route and folded inner 2-track line, passing via bridge over the main station. The track plan allows simultaneous running of up to two passenger or freight trains and many shunting/switching operations. Vedi tutto

Compact Peco N Gauge Train Layout    5944 visite dal 16.02.2024
Scala: N (1/160)
Taglia: Molto Piccola
Dimen­sioni: 150cm x 90cm; 59" x 35"; 4.9′ x 3′
Area: 1.35m2; 1.61yd2
Tipo: Percorso Chiuso
Linea: Singola
Traffico: Passeggeri, Merci
Epoca/Era: III, IV, V / Moderna
Scenario: Pianura
Binari: Peco N Setrack
Autore: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Software: SCARM
Compact layout proposal in N scale with double-folded dogbone line and small station in front. The track route is situated on 2 levels and is constructed entirely with sectional Setrack pieces. The project is suitable for both passenger and freight trains from almost any epoch/era. Vedi tutto

The Triple Loop Z-scale Layout of Jim    5671 visite dal 26.01.2024
Scala: Z (1/220)
Taglia: Piccola
Dimen­sioni: 244cm x 82cm; 96" x 32"; 8′ x 2.7′
Area: 1.99m2; 2.38yd2
Tipo: Percorso Chiuso
Linea: Tripla, con Diramazione(i)
Traffico: Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre
Epoca/Era: III, IV, V / Transizione, Moderna
Scenario: Periferia/Comune, Servizi/​Infrastrutture
Binari: Rokuhan Z
Autore: Jim Royds
Software: SCARM
Nice Z-scale layout with double oval main line plus additional inner loop, featuring a small town with several industries nearby. The track plan is intended for both passenger and freight traffic and allows up to 3 trains to run at the same time. Vedi tutto

Action Layout with PIKO HO Scale Tracks    6594 visite dal 11.01.2024
Scala: H0 (1/87)
Taglia: Media
Dimen­sioni: 327cm x 140cm; 129" x 55"; 10.7′ x 4.6′
Area: 4.58m2; 5.48yd2
Tipo: Percorso Chiuso
Linea: Tripla, con Diramazione(i)
Traffico: Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre
Epoca/Era: III, IV, V / Transizione, Moderna
Scenario: Pianura, Servizi/​Infrastrutture
Binari: PIKO A tracks
Autore: Domingo Daniel Sansalone
Software: SCARM
Classic oval-shaped HO scale layout with triple main line and many branches, designed for intensive traffic and various shunting/switching scenarios. The track plan is intended for action, with lot of tracks and less scenery details in order to allow up to 3 running trains at the same time. Vedi tutto

Ultra Small 4' x 2' N-scale Track Plan #3    7428 visite dal 30.12.2023
Scala: N (1/160)
Taglia: Micro
Dimen­sioni: 122cm x 61cm; 48" x 24"; 4′ x 2′
Area: 0.74m2; 0.89yd2
Tipo: Percorso Chiuso
Linea: Singola, con Diramazione(i)
Traffico: Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre
Epoca/Era: III, IV, V / Moderna
Scenario: Pianura, Servizi/​Infrastrutture
Binari: Fleischmann N Piccolo
Autore: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Software: SCARM
One really compact N-scale layout, featuring small station in front, short siding on the back and a branch with yard and gantry crane cargo area in the middle. Vedi tutto

The O-gauge Basement Layout of Martin    4544 visite dal 07.11.2023
Scala: O (1/48)
Taglia: Gigantesca
Dimen­sioni: 681cm x 406cm; 268" x 160"; 22.3′ x 13.3′
Area: 27.65m2; 33.07yd2
Tipo: Percorso Chiuso
Linea: Tripla, con Diramazione(i)
Traffico: Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre
Epoca/Era: III, IV, V / Transizione, Moderna
Scenario: Paese/Villaggio, Pianura
Binari: Lionel O Fastrack
Autore: J Martin
Software: SCARM
Very large L-shaped layout in O gauge, designed with Lionel Fastrack pieces and built in a big basement. The track plan features triple main line with several branches for cargo sorting yard, depot, etc. The layout is suitable for simultaneous running of up to 3 long trains and has many options for shunting/switching. Vedi tutto

The L-shaped KATO N Scale Layout of Joe    8409 visite dal 24.09.2023
Scala: N (1/160)
Taglia: Larga
Dimen­sioni: 365cm x 324cm; 144" x 128"; 12′ x 10.6′
Area: 11.83m2; 14.14yd2
Tipo: Percorso Chiuso
Linea: Tripla, con Diramazione(i)
Traffico: Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre
Epoca/Era: IV, V, VI / Moderna
Scenario: Periferia/Comune, Pianura, Industriale
Binari: Kato N Unitrack
Autore: Joe (aka NitroStar)
Software: SCARM
Large and well arranged layout in N scale under construction, featuring a train station and a big yard, several industrial areas with corresponding branches, and a turntable with roundhouse in the middle. Vedi tutto

Hornby 00 Scale Setrack Layout on 2 Levels    3791 visite dal 18.09.2023
Scala: OO (1/76)
Taglia: Media
Dimen­sioni: 265cm x 123cm; 104" x 48"; 8.7′ x 4′
Area: 3.25m2; 3.88yd2
Tipo: Complesso (sezione chiusa con parti aperte)
Linea: Singola, con Diramazione(i)
Epoca/Era: III, IV, V / Transizione, Moderna
Binari: Hornby OO Set-track
Autore: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Software: SCARM
Point-to-point OO gauge layout project, representing two terminus stations, connected with an oval route. The track plan is intended mainly for passenger traffic and allows various playing and shunting/switching scenarios in the stations and the yard. Vedi tutto

The N-Gauge Pennsylvania Railroad Layout of Gary    7080 visite dal 05.07.2023
Scala: N (1/160)
Taglia: Media
Dimen­sioni: 305cm x 173cm; 120" x 68"; 10′ x 5.7′
Area: 5.28m2; 6.31yd2
Tipo: Percorso Chiuso
Linea: Mista (Singola + Doppia), con Diramazione(i), con Reverse Loop(s)
Traffico: Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre
Epoca/Era: III, IV / Transizione, Moderna
Scenario: Periferia/Comune, Forestale, Industriale
Binari: Kato N Unitrack
Autore: Gary Dehnel
Software: SCARM
Interesting N-scale layout with long folded main line, containing many bridges and tunnels, two reverse loops and several branches. The track plan allows single passenger or freight train to run using various different routes and to pass via the town, the forest, the village, the mountain and also around the different industries and yards. Vedi tutto

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