| Plastici Ferroviari & Tracciati | |
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E non dimenticate – la cosa più importante è divertirsi con i trenini 
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Autore Venci Glaskov
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24 Progetti trovati | |  |
Pagina 1 / 3 (Progetti 1 - 10)
Triple main line in oval with branch in the center, suitable for simultaneous running of up to 3 short passenger or freight trains.
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Ultra-compact layout in Z-scale featuring double main line in oval with two stations and several branches. The track plan is suitable for running of short passenger and freight trains as well as for various shunting/switching operations.
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Double main line in oval with train station in front, two branches and two reverse loops, crossed in the center.
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L-shaped layout design with junction (meeting) station and 2 lines, allowing simultaneous running of up to two trains or just single train looping sequentially on the two routes.
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Complex L-shaped track plan with several possible routes for simultaneous running of up to two trains and with many options for shunting/switching.
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Single main line in oval with one train station and one branch line with reverse loop in the center.
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Scala: | | H0/H0m/H0e/H0f (1/87) |
Taglia: | | Gigantesca |
Dimensioni: | | 700cm x 550cm; 276" x 217"; 23′ x 18′ |
Area: | | 38.5m2; 46.05yd2 |
Tipo: | | Complesso (sezione chiusa con parti aperte) |
Linea: | | Mista (Singola + Doppia), con Stazione(i) di Incrocio, con Diramazione(i), con Reverse Loop(s) |
Traffico: | | Passeggeri, Merci, Manovre |
Epoca/Era: | | IV, V, VI / Moderna |
Scenario: | | Periferia/Comune, Pianura, Industriale |
Binari: | | Fleischmann H0 Profi, PIKO A, Tillig TT/H0m, Roco H0e, Busch H0f |
Autore: | | Venci Glaskov aka Best Ripper |
Software: | | SCARM |
Large already finished train layout, located in two rooms of apartment, featuring several routes with standard and narrow gauges, several train stations on the main line and secondary lines as well as various industrial sidings, allowing lot of running options and operations.
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Triple line with tracks deployed in concentric ovals, with several branches for simultaneous running of up to 3 short trains and shunting operations in the center area.
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Double line in oval with two train stations and several branches for shunting operations in the center.
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Double line in oval with one train station at bottom, turntable and a branch with several sidings in the middle. The plan is suitable for continuous running of two trains as well as shunting/switching in the branch area.
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Traduzione italiana di Fabio Cuccia.