| Plastici Ferroviari & Tracciati | |
Questo è il più completo database on-line gratuito per tracciati e plastici di treni modello, progetti e disegni SCARM. Ricerca per plastici ferroviari e progetti di tracciato, per scala, taglia, binari e altri criteri. Scaricate i files e guardateli in editor 2D e visualizzatore 3D del progettista di tracciati SCARM.
E non dimenticate – la cosa più importante è divertirsi con i trenini 
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Autore Milen Peev
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5 Progetti trovati | |  |
One relatively large LEGO train layout, featuring two stations and a winding line for slower traffic in the middle. Suitable for playing with all LEGO RC (9V) trains and by all age groups.
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Simple oval LEGO layout build in the bedroom for playing with short passenger and freight trains. The track plan is suitable for running both trains from the new 60336 and 60337 LEGO sets (requires additional tracks and turnouts).
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Small oval LEGO layout for playing with short passenger and freight LEGO trains from the 60197 and 60198 sets.
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Small oval LEGO layout for playing with LEGO trains and testing of the new 10277 Crocodile locomotive.
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Dismountable Christmas layout with LEGO tracks, situated near the long wall of a living room. The track plan consists of single straight line with two reverse loops in both ends and is suitable for continuous run of one train.
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Traduzione italiana di Fabio Cuccia.