| Modellbahnanlagen und Gleispläne | |
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24 Projekte gefunden | |  |
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Large HO-scale layout with "8"-shaped double main line and many bridges and tunnels, representing parts of Fairplay city in Colorado, USA. The project includes a station and small yard as well as some iconic buildings of the city and allows up to two trains to run simultaneously.
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Nice compact oval layout project in HO scale, representing small train station in the mid 50’s of the XX century somewhere in Germany.
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Nice N-scale layout project featuring double oval line, going around a small town and passing via many bridges and tunnels. The track plan allows simultaneous running of up to two trains and is suitable for both passenger and freight traffic.
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Large, realistic-looking HO scale layout under construction in a dedicated train room, featuring single long main line, passing via various scenic, coastal and industrial areas.
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Compact Z-scale layout under construction with oval main line and a small station, representing some parts of Snoqualmie, WA, USA.
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Interesting HO scale layout project with tracks on 3 levels, featuring long main line passing via large station in the middle level and one more small station on the lower level. The track plan allows playing with both passenger and freight trains as well as many shunting/switching scenarios.
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Large and very detailed layout in O-scale, designed and built with Lionel Fastrack pieces in a dedicated train room and representing some elements from the “Back to the future” movie series.
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Medium-sized N-scale layout featuring single main line with large passenger station in the center area, smaller terminus station in the upper left corner and also a hidden station in the back for storing of up to 3 more trains.
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Nice around-the-walls attic layout in OO gauge, featuring double two-way main line with several industrial branches and yards. The track plan is suitable for continuous running of up to two trains on the main line as well as for many shunting/switching operations in the branches.
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Maßstab: | | OO (1/76) |
Größe: | | Groß |
Abmessungen: | | 450cm x 308cm; 177" x 121"; 14.8′ x 10.1′ |
Tatsächliche Fläche: | | 9m2; 9.84yd2 |
Typ: | | Geschlossene Route |
Streckenart: | | Gemischt (Eingleisig + Zweigleisig), mit Nebengleis(en), mit Kehrschleife(n) |
Zugverkehr: | | Personenverkehr, Güterverkehr, Rangierbetrieb |
Epoche/Zeit: | | II, III, IV / Dampftraktion, Übergangszeit, Modern |
Motiv: | | Ländlich/Dorf, Flussufer, Hügelig |
Gleissystem: | | Peco OO Streamline, Heljan Turntable |
Autor: | | Clive Poole |
Software: | | SCARM Modellbahn Gleisplaner |
Large L-shaped layout design in OO scale, featuring small train station in the middle of a main line with many tunnels and bridges, suitable for both passenger and freight traffic as well as for some shunting/switching operations.
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