| Modellbahnanlagen und Gleispläne | |
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129 Projekte gefunden | |  |
Seite 1 / 13 (Projekte 1 - 10)
Maßstab: | | N (1/160) |
Größe: | | Sehr groß |
Abmessungen: | | 822cm x 729cm; 324" x 287"; 27′ x 23.9′ |
Tatsächliche Fläche: | | 19m2; 20.78yd2 |
Typ: | | Komplex (geschlossene Route mit offenen Abzweigen) |
Streckenart: | | Gemischt (Eingleisig + Zweigleisig), mit Abzweig-/Durchgangsbahnhof, mit Nebengleis(en) |
Zugverkehr: | | Personenverkehr, Güterverkehr, Rangierbetrieb |
Epoche/Zeit: | | II, III, IV, V / Übergangszeit, Modern |
Motiv: | | Vorstadt/Kleinstadt, Gleich, Industrie |
Gleissystem: | | Atlas N Code 80 |
Autor: | | Dwight Sturtevant |
Software: | | SCARM Modellbahnsoftware |
One nice and really large layout in N-scale, spread across the whole basement of the owner’s house. The project features very long double-track main lines with two more secondary routes, which are passing via many stations, towns, yards, sidings and industries and there is even a trolley (tram) line. The construction begins in 2019 and the layout is still expanding in 2025.
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Compact OO-scale layout proposal with single main line, small station in front and a branch with freight yard and depot in the back. The track plan is suitable for running of short passenger and freight trains as well as for some shunting/switching ops in the yard.
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Compact oval track plan in TT scale featuring small station in front and a four-track yard in the center. The layout allows playing with short passenger and freight trains and its dimensions are suitable to be constructed onto a standard EU/UK interior door.
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Medium-sized layout in HO scale, with single outer route and folded inner 2-track line, passing via bridge over the main station. The track plan allows simultaneous running of up to two passenger or freight trains and many shunting/switching operations.
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One really compact N-scale layout, featuring small station in front, short siding on the back and a branch with yard and gantry crane cargo area in the middle.
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Small oval track plan in HO scale, featuring single main line with station in front and branch for some industry in the back.
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One more oval G-scale layout project, designed with PIKO tracks, using larger radii tracks and turnouts (R3/R5/R7). The track plan has a small station and couple of branches for some industries. The project is suitable for larger gardens/backyards and allows playing with both passenger and freight trains.
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One relatively large LEGO train layout, featuring two stations and a winding line for slower traffic in the middle. Suitable for playing with all LEGO RC (9V) trains and by all age groups.
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Yet another simple 4x8 track plan in O-gauge, designed with Atlas Industrial track pieces. The layout features oval main line with pass-over track (station) at the left part, 4-track yard in the center and one more branch for some industry in the right part.
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Interesting N-scale layout with long folded main line, containing many bridges and tunnels, two reverse loops and several branches. The track plan allows single passenger or freight train to run using various different routes and to pass via the town, the forest, the village, the mountain and also around the different industries and yards.
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