| Modellbahnanlagen und Gleispläne | |
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29 Projekte gefunden | |  |
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Dies ist Gleisplan Vorschlag Nr. 9 für eine Modelleisenbahnanlage rund um den Weihnachtsbaum, gebaut mit Lionel-Fastrack-gleise..
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Large, realistic-looking HO scale layout under construction in a dedicated train room, featuring single long main line, passing via various scenic, coastal and industrial areas.
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Large S scale layout project with oval shape, featuring terminus passenger station, freight yard and lot of facilities from the good old American Flyer range.
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Micro-sized N-scale layout, representing a fictional village somewhere in the Swiss Alps.
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Medium-sized HO-scale corner layout design with single main line passing around a small town with car cinema near the sea coast. The track plan is suitable for passenger and freight traffic as well as for some shunting/switching operations.
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Maßstab: | | OO (1/76) |
Größe: | | Groß |
Abmessungen: | | 450cm x 308cm; 177" x 121"; 14.8′ x 10.1′ |
Tatsächliche Fläche: | | 9m2; 9.84yd2 |
Typ: | | Geschlossene Route |
Streckenart: | | Gemischt (Eingleisig + Zweigleisig), mit Nebengleis(en), mit Kehrschleife(n) |
Zugverkehr: | | Personenverkehr, Güterverkehr, Rangierbetrieb |
Epoche/Zeit: | | II, III, IV / Dampftraktion, Übergangszeit, Modern |
Motiv: | | Ländlich/Dorf, Flussufer, Hügelig |
Gleissystem: | | Peco OO Streamline, Heljan Turntable |
Autor: | | Clive Poole |
Software: | | SCARM Modellbahn Gleisplaner |
Large L-shaped layout design in OO scale, featuring small train station in the middle of a main line with many tunnels and bridges, suitable for both passenger and freight traffic as well as for some shunting/switching operations.
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A small N-scale layout under construction, showing single oval line that passes through mountains, river, tunnels and bridges, created for representing the steam era in the beginning of XX century.
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Compact oval G-scale layout with small train station and a siding, built in the garden.
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Maßstab: | | N (1/160) |
Größe: | | Groß |
Abmessungen: | | 490cm x 490cm; 193" x 193"; 16.1′ x 16.1′ |
Tatsächliche Fläche: | | 11m2; 12.03yd2 |
Typ: | | Geschlossene Route |
Streckenart: | | Eingleisig, mit Nebengleis(en) |
Zugverkehr: | | Personenverkehr, Güterverkehr, Rangierbetrieb |
Epoche/Zeit: | | II, III, IV / Übergangszeit, Modern |
Motiv: | | Gleich, Vorstadt/Kleinstadt, Industrie, Flussufer |
Gleissystem: | | Kato N Unitrack, Walthers N (130' turntable) |
Autor: | | Roger Perkins |
Software: | | SCARM Modellbahnsoftware |
One large L-shaped layout with single main line, passing around many regions with various structures and scenery details, such as terminus station, town areas and industrial zones, buildings with different facilities like grain elevator, silos, factories and one quite big depot with 2 turntables and 3 roundhouses.
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The track plan is designed in “double 8” figure with one small station in front and train stop at the back and allows exchanging of the buildings, signals and some other parts depending on the current rolling stock scale – standard gauge N scale (1/160) or narrow gauge H0e scale (1/87).
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