Model Train Layouts & Track Plans

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14 Projects Found

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Compact Peco N Gauge Train Layout    8597 views since 16 Feb 2024
Scale: N (1/160)
Size: Very Small
Dimen­sions: 150cm x 90cm; 59" x 35"; 4.9′ x 3′
Area: 1.35m2; 1.61yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Single
Traffic: Passenger, Freight
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Modern
Scene: Plain
Trackage: Peco N Setrack
Uncoupling: Manual
Author: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Designed with: SCARM Model Train Layouts Editor
Compact layout proposal in N scale with double-folded dogbone line and small station in front. The track route is situated on 2 levels and is constructed entirely with sectional Setrack pieces. The project is suitable for both passenger and freight trains from almost any epoch/era. See more

The „One Square Metre” Oval Layout in HO Scale    7818 views since 13 Jul 2023
Scale: H0 (1/87)
Size: Very Small
Dimen­sions: 100cm x 100cm; 39" x 39"; 3.3′ x 3.3′
Area: 1m2; 1.2yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Single, with Fiddle Yard(s)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight
Epoch/Era: III / Transition, Modern
Scene: Country/Village, Hilly
Trackage: Marklin M-track
Uncoupling: Electric and Manual
Author: Wollenschrank
Designed with: SCARM Model Railroad Designer
Nice compact oval layout project in HO scale, representing small train station in the mid 50’s of the XX century somewhere in Germany. See more

The Small Marklin Z-scale Layout of Marco    7997 views since 11 Jan 2022
Scale: Z (1/220)
Size: Very Small
Dimen­sions: 125cm x 61cm; 49" x 24"; 4.1′ x 2′
Area: 0.76m2; 0.91yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Single
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: IV, V / Modern
Scene: Plain, Riverside, Hilly
Trackage: Marklin Z Miniclub
Uncoupling: Manual
Author: Marco Ceze
Designed with: SCARM Train Layout Software
Compact Z-scale layout under construction with oval main line and a small station, representing some parts of Snoqualmie, WA, USA. See more

The N-scale Table Layout Proposal of Albert    19431 views since 20 Sep 2021
Scale: N (1/160)
Size: Very Small
Dimen­sions: 106cm x 106cm; 42" x 42"; 3.5′ x 3.5′
Area: 1.12m2; 1.34yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed, with Junction/​Meeting Station(s)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: II, III / Steam, Transition
Scene: Country/Village, Mountain
Trackage: Trix N Minitrix
Uncoupling: Manual
Author: Albert Figler
Designed with: SCARM Track Planning Software
Fascinating proposal for a compact multi-level N-scale layout, intended to be built on a square-shaped table. See more

JNR Kansai Division - Japanese N-scale Layout    18979 views since 14 May 2020
Scale: N (1/160)
Size: Very Small
Dimen­sions: 120cm x 80cm; 47" x 31"; 3.9′ x 2.6′
Area: 0.96m2; 1.15yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Double, with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: II, III, IV / Transition, Modern
Scene: Plain
Trackage: Kato N Unitrack
Uncoupling: Manual
Author: Josh (aka Gilshrat)
Designed with: SCARM Track Planning Software
Small N scale layout under construction, featuring double oval main line and a branch with freight siding, terminus passenger station and turntable with roundhouse in the center area. See more

3x5 N-scale Track Plan    23412 views since 22 Dec 2019
Scale: N (1/160)
Size: Very Small
Dimen­sions: 153cm x 92cm; 60" x 36"; 5′ x 3′
Area: 1.4m2; 1.67yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: IV / Modern
Scene: Urban/City, Plain
Trackage: Atlas N Code 80
Uncoupling: Manual
Author: ScrewySqrl
Designed with: SCARM Track Planning Software
Compact N-scale layout project with long main line allowing continuous run around a city scene and several industries. See more

Small Layout with Hidden Station in TT scale    10690 views since 10 Jan 2019
Scale: TT (1/120)
Size: Very Small
Dimen­sions: 177cm x 76cm; 70" x 30"; 5.8′ x 2.5′
Area: 1.34m2; 1.6yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Single
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Modern
Scene: Suburban/Town, Plain
Trackage: Tillig TT (BTTB)
Uncoupling: Manual
Author: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Designed with: SCARM Model Train Layouts Editor
Compact layout featuring oval main line with small train station (in front) and one more hidden station in tunnel (in the back). The track plan is suitable for running of short passenger and freight trains with option for meeting and waiting in the hidden spur in the tunnel at the back. See more

Union Pacific Silver Creek Division Layout in N scale    26960 views since 25 Jul 2017
Scale: N (1/160)
Size: Very Small
Dimen­sions: 168cm x 58cm; 66" x 23"; 5.5′ x 1.9′
Area: 0.98m2; 1.17yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Single, with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: I, II / Steam
Trackage: Atlas N tracks and turntable, Peco N Streamline turnouts
Uncoupling: Manual
Author: Jason Stamper
Designed with: SCARM Train Layout Software
A small N-scale layout under construction, showing single oval line that passes through mountains, river, tunnels and bridges, created for representing the steam era in the beginning of XX century. See more

Compact Layout in TT scale    8978 views since 26 Feb 2017
Scale: TT (1/120)
Size: Very Small
Dimen­sions: 177cm x 76cm; 69" x 30"; 5.8′ x 2.5′
Area: 1.33m2; 1.59yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Single
Traffic: Passenger, Freight
Epoch/Era: III, IV / Transition, Modern
Scene: Hilly, Forest
Trackage: Tillig TT (BTTB)
Uncoupling: Manual
Author: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Designed with: SCARM Track Planning Software
The track plan features simple oval line with two tunnels and small train station in front and is suitable for running of short passenger and freight trains. See more

Bachmann N-scale Track Plan #1    8793 views since 04 Jan 2014
Scale: N (1/160)
Size: Very Small
Dimen­sions: 138cm x 62cm; 54" x 24"; 4.5′ x 2′
Area: 0.86m2; 1.02yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Single
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Trackage: Bachmann N E-Z (Nickel-Silver)
Uncoupling: Manual
Author: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Designed with: SCARM Model Train Layouts Editor
Single oval with small branch inside. See more

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