Model Train Layouts & Track Plans

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6 Projects Found

Rob's “Fairplay Depot” Model RR Layout in HO Scale    4862 views since 25 Oct 2024
Scale: HO (1/87)
Size: Large
Dimen­sions: 386cm x 275cm; 152" x 108"; 12.7′ x 9′
Area: 10.6m2; 12.67yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Double, with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: IV, V, VI / Modern
Scene: Plain, Riverside, Hilly
Trackage: Atlas HO Snap-Track C83
Author: Rob Audretsch
Designed with: SCARM Model Train Layouts Editor
Large HO-scale layout with "8"-shaped double main line and many bridges and tunnels, representing parts of Fairplay city in Colorado, USA. The project includes a station and small yard as well as some iconic buildings of the city and allows up to two trains to run simultaneously. See more

New Middletown & Stony Point Model Railroad    21716 views since 14 Sep 2019
Scale: N (1/160)
Size: Large
Dimen­sions: 305cm x 244cm; 120" x 96"; 10′ x 8′
Area: 7.44m2; 8.9yd2
Type: Modular, Complex (Closed section with Open parts)
Line: Double, with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: IV, V, VI / Modern
Scene: Suburban/Town, Plain
Trackage: Atlas N Code 80
Author: Dwight Sturtevant
Designed with: SCARM Software for Model Railroaders
Large U-shaped display layout in N scale with double main line and modular design for easy disassembling and transportation. See more

The “Shoreline” Layout in HO Scale    14556 views since 19 May 2017
Scale: HO (1/87)
Size: Large
Dimen­sions: 313cm x 335cm; 123" x 132"; 10.3′ x 11′
Area: 10.45m2; 12.5yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Double, with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: IV, V, VI / Modern
Scene: Urban/City, Industrial, Plain
Trackage: Atlas HO tracks Code 83, Micro Engineering HO turnouts Code 83
Author: John Buckley
Designed with: SCARM Software for Model Railroaders
Large around-the-walls room layout in HO scale with urban area, park and rest zones, several industries and liftoff bridge behind the door. See more

Another Around-the-walls Railroad Layout in HO    19706 views since 26 Jul 2016
Scale: HO (1/87)
Size: Large
Dimen­sions: 325cm x 244cm; 128" x 96"; 10.7′ x 8′
Area: 7.92m2; 9.47yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Double, with Branch(es)
Traffic: Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: IV, V, VI / Modern
Scene: Suburban/Town, Industrial
Trackage: Atlas HO Code 83
Author: Jim Ross
Designed with: SCARM Software for Model Railroaders
Nice track plan of around-the-walls layout, with double main line in oval, small yard with engine house and several industrial terminals. See more

Sandea & Burton County Railway in HO    56401 views since 15 May 2015
Scale: HO (1/87)
Size: Large
Dimen­sions: 493cm x 167cm; 194" x 66"; 16.2′ x 5.5′
Area: 8.2m2; 9.81yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double), with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Modern
Scene: Suburban/Town, Industrial, Coastal
Trackage: Atlas HO Code 100, Shinohara HO Code 100
Author: Howard McLay
Designed with: SCARM Train Layout Software
Large layout with railroad lines on 3 levels, featuring combined main station for passenger and freight trains with port for cargo ships, several industries, large water areas and many other objects like various buildings, trains, vehicles, ships and even planes in the air. See more

The N-scale Garage Layout of Sarge    26299 views since 23 Oct 2013
Scale: N (1/160)
Size: Large
Dimen­sions: 518cm x 168cm; 204" x 66"; 17′ x 5.5′
Area: 8.7m2; 10.41yd2
Type: Complex (Closed section with Open parts)
Line: Single, with Junction/​Meeting Station(s), with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: III, IV / Transition, Modern
Scene: Country/Village, Hilly, Forest, Industrial
Trackage: Atlas N Code 80, Peco N turnouts
Author: Bill Myrick aka Sarge
Designed with: SCARM Model Railroad Designer
This is a large N-gauge (1:160) track plan, created by Bill "Sarge" Myrick with SCARM, which is about 17' x 2.5' layout with 5" of elevation for the highest tracks and consists of single long main line with four-track train station and several other branches for freight yards, industries, depots, port and additional modules. The layout allows running of both passenger and freight trains and also many shunting operations. See more

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