Model Train Layouts & Track Plans

This is the most complete online database for free model train track plans and layouts of SCARM projects and designs. Search it for railway layouts and railroad track plans by scale, size, tracks and other criteria. Download the files and see them in 2D editor and 3D viewer of SCARM track planner.

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2 Projects Found

Large Dogbone Shelf Layout in O gauge    7495 views since 21 Jan 2022
Scale: O (1/48)
Size: Extra Large
Dimen­sions: 1218cm x 107cm; 480" x 42"; 40′ x 3.5′
Area: 13.03m2; 15.59yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Double, with Branch(es), with Reverse Loop(s)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: IV, V / Modern
Scene: Plain, Facilities/​Infrastructure
Trackage: Atlas O 3-rail
Author: JumpJet
Designed with: SCARM Track Planning Software
Extremely long O scale shelf layout project with double main line and lot of facilities, intended to fit in a truck trailer (either fully assembled or separated into few modules). See more

Extended Wabash Layout with Lionel O Gauge Fastracks    9832 views since 08 Nov 2019
Scale: O (1/48)
Size: Extra Large
Dimen­sions: 427cm x 305cm; 168" x 120"; 14′ x 10′
Area: 13.03m2; 15.59yd2
Type: Complex (Closed section with Open parts)
Line: Mixed (Single + Double), with Branch(es), with Reverse Loop(s)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Transition, Modern
Scene: Plain, Industrial, Riverside
Trackage: Lionel O Fastrack
Author: John Hainer
Designed with: SCARM Model Train Layouts Editor
This is a version of the well-known Wabash layout designed with Lionel O gauge Fastracks. The modifications are including additional single line standing on pillars and forming the upper level as well as yard with depot and transfer table in the left front area. See more

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