Model Train Layouts & Track Plans

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9 Projects Found

The OO-gauge Layout Project of Andy    1623 views since 01 Oct 2024
Scale: OO (1/76)
Size: Small
Dimen­sions: 244cm x 89cm; 96" x 35"; 8′ x 2.9′
Area: 2.17m2; 2.6yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Single, with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Transition, Modern
Location: Europe, UK
Scene: Plain, Country/Village
Trackage: Peco OO Setrack & flexes
Author: Andrew Bergman
Designed with: SCARM Model Railroad Designer
Compact OO-scale layout proposal with single main line, small station in front and a branch with freight yard and depot in the back. The track plan is suitable for running of short passenger and freight trains as well as for some shunting/switching ops in the yard. See more

Hornby 00 Scale Setrack Layout on 2 Levels    4369 views since 18 Sep 2023
Scale: OO (1/76)
Size: Medium
Dimen­sions: 265cm x 123cm; 104" x 48"; 8.7′ x 4′
Area: 3.25m2; 3.88yd2
Type: Complex (Closed section with Open parts)
Line: Single, with Branch(es)
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Transition, Modern
Location: Europe, UK
Trackage: Hornby OO Set-track
Author: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Designed with: SCARM Track Planning Software
Point-to-point OO gauge layout project, representing two terminus stations, connected with an oval route. The track plan is intended mainly for passenger traffic and allows various playing and shunting/switching scenarios in the stations and the yard. See more

The Layout of Michael in OO Scale    12609 views since 05 Jul 2021
Scale: OO (1/76)
Size: Medium
Dimen­sions: 246cm x 184cm; 97" x 72"; 8.1′ x 6′
Area: 4.53m2; 5.41yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Multi-Spur, with Junction/​Meeting Station(s), with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: IV, V, VI / Modern
Location: Europe, UK
Scene: Suburban/Town, Industrial
Trackage: Hornby OO, Peco OO
Author: Michael Wenham
Designed with: SCARM Track Planning Software
Nice layout in OO gauge with opening in the middle, containing multi-track oval main line which links the freight yard in front with the passenger station at the back and passes around various buildings, facilities and scenic areas. The track plan is suitable for continuous running of up to 3 trains and for various shunting/switching operations. See more

The N-Scale Dining Table Layout of Sean    22704 views since 02 Nov 2020
Scale: N (1/160)
Size: Very Small
Dimen­sions: 150cm x 70cm; 59" x 28"; 4.9′ x 2.3′
Area: 1.05m2; 1.26yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double), with Reverse Loop(s)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: IV, V / Modern
Location: Europe, UK
Scene: Suburban/Town
Trackage: Peco N Setrack & Streamline
Author: Sean Harris
Designed with: SCARM Train Layout Software
Very interesting project for a N-scale layout built into a dinning table and covered with glass. The track plan features two oval lines on two levels, connected with diagonal line which crosses a small town. The layout has passenger station and freight terminal, so it is suitable for both passenger and freight trains as well as for shunting/switching operations. See more

The OO Scale Layout of Dr. Jake    26469 views since 19 Apr 2018
Scale: 00 (1/76)
Size: Medium
Dimen­sions: 250cm x 150cm; 98" x 59"; 8.2′ x 4.9′
Area: 3.75m2; 4.48yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Mixed (Single + Double), with Branch(es)
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Modern
Location: Europe, UK
Scene: Suburban/Town, Plain
Trackage: Hornby OO Set-track
Author: Dr. Jake
Designed with: SCARM Model Railroad Designer
Medium-sized OO scale layout with oval shape, designed and built by Dr. Jake, using Hornby tracks, Bachmann trains and Skaledale buildings and structures. See more

Hornby Setrack 8x4 OO-Scale Track Plan #3    15355 views since 29 Dec 2014
Scale: OO (1/76)
Size: Small
Dimen­sions: 244cm x 122cm; 96" x 48"; 8′ x 4′
Area: 2.97m2; 3.55yd2
Type: Point to Point, Station/Yard
Line: Single
Traffic: Passenger, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: IV, V / Modern
Location: Europe, UK
Trackage: Hornby OO Set-track
Author: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Designed with: SCARM Track Planning Software
Yet another small Hornby OO Setrack plan for point-to-point operations on a large passenger train station. See more

Hornby Setrack 8x4 OO-Scale Track Plan #2    9295 views since 11 Nov 2014
Scale: OO (1/76)
Size: Small
Dimen­sions: 244cm x 122cm; 96" x 48"; 8′ x 4′
Area: 2.97m2; 3.55yd2
Type: Point to Point
Line: Single
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Transition, Modern
Location: Europe, UK
Trackage: Hornby OO Set-track
Author: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Designed with: SCARM Software for Model Railroaders
Small Hornby OO Setrack plan for point-to-point operations with passenger trains and shunting wiht short freight trains. See more

Hornby Setrack 8x4 OO-Scale Track Plan #1    11815 views since 28 May 2014
Scale: OO (1/76)
Size: Small
Dimen­sions: 244cm x 122cm; 96" x 48"; 8′ x 4′
Area: 2.97m2; 3.55yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Single
Traffic: Passenger
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Transition, Modern
Location: Europe, UK
Trackage: Hornby OO Set-track
Author: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Designed with: SCARM Model Railroad Designer
One small Hornby OO Setrack plan for playing with passenger trains. See more

Example Track Plan in OO scale    21494 views since 02 Nov 2013
Scale: 00 (1/76)
Size: Small
Dimen­sions: 233cm x 111cm; 92" x 44"; 7.6′ x 3.6′
Area: 2.59m2; 3.09yd2
Type: Closed Route
Line: Single
Traffic: Passenger, Freight, Shunting/Switching
Epoch/Era: III, IV, V / Transition, Modern
Location: Europe, UK
Scene: Country/Village, Plain
Trackage: Hornby OO Set-track
Author: Milen Peev aka Mixy
Designed with: SCARM Software for Model Railroaders
Single main line in mixed oval with small 2-track train station and cargo zone. The layout allows running of short passenger and freight trains and also shunting and meeting at the station. See more

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